Friday 6 May 2016

More Issues in Media and Society

For those, who are interested in 

Media andSociety issues, I recommend visiting following blogs.All of them are just great.

This incredible blog talks about materialism, as a virus of our society. I think that: it is a VIRUS! We see people admiring luxurious brands of bags and clothing, praying for getting a new iPhone and spending crazy amount of money for unnecessary toys. We are bombarded with such messages and posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Malyshevablog describes all these issues in a very interesting way. So, please check this blog:)

Here is another awesome blog. It talks about the modern perception of beauty and beauty industry. Aisha, the author, states her point of view on the modern standards of beauty and her views are opposite to mine. It was interesting to explore what she thinks about beauty standards, and I found few interesting articles in this blog. Highly recommend  reading "Modern Standards of Beauty" blog. If you are interested, please, click on the link above:)

"Discrimination against Homosexuals in Society" is a great blog, created by my classmate. The blog talks about different issues of LGBT society, and one of the posts is focused on problems of the Russian LGBT minority. It discusses the laws that ban "gay propaganda" in Russian media. Such negative attitude towards LGBT community takes place not only in Russia but in the majority of developing countries. I highly recommend to visit this blog and spend some time on researching this media issue:)

Discrimination could be detected in all forms of media and it is an issue of  our morality. The blog "We are More Than These" analyzes media content that includes elements of discrimination. The post "Current Event II: Family Guy" talks about the satirical jokes that discriminate race and gender minorities, disabled people. The post ends up with a good question: "Harmless jokes or a reason to think?". If you agree with any of proposed options, please check out this blog and leave your comment.

Last but not least blog I want to talk about is "Children and Advertising".  This blog contains a post about Tom Brady, the well-known quarterback, who made a claim that Coca-Cola and Frosted Flakes cereals are the "poison" for us and for the younger generation. I believe it is highly important subject to talk about because there is a possibility that it would affect our health. Please visit the  blog for very useful and helpful information:)

Sunday 1 May 2016

My View

              Development of technologies affected the majority of the aspects of our lives. Politics and its appearance for the society were shifted by extremely frequent usage of social media, the emergence of television and radio. As the history shows media's impact on politics and especially on the election races was crucial. According to the article "US elections 2012: is Facebook 'the real presidential swing state'?", the famous television debate between Ronald Reagan and J.F. Kennedy was one of the first examples of how important and influential appeared to be the role of television. As it is stated by The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History: "The debates made Kennedy look like a winner. His practice of looking at the camera when answering the questions—and not at the journalists who asked them, as Nixon did—made viewers see him as someone who was talking directly to them and who gave them straight answers." Furthermore, the display of Kennedy on media assured the society that he is an intelligent and trustworthy candidate. The media impact on the elections' results is undeniable and has to be taken into serious considerations. 
              Previous US 2012 presidential elections were named as the first internet based elections. The win of Barack Obama serves as a proof of social media's power. According to Dr. Pamela Rutledge, The 2012 Obama's presidential campaign was focused on such social media outlets as Twitter and Facebook. The campaign was built on the most used forms of communication, which is social media networking. It has played a crucial role in the elections because it is important to communicate with people through the most accessible outlet. Therefore, in comparison of Obama and Romney’s campaigns, the usage of Facebook and Twitter was much higher for the current US president. Moreover, it is important to highlight that media and social media, in particular, are predominant aspects of our lives.  As the author of the "How Obama Won the Social Media Battle in the 2012 Presidential Campaign" article states: "Social media creates a new political dialogue.  It takes the power of political messaging away from the mass media model and places it firmly into peer-to-peer, public discourse." Barack Obama's team effectively used the social media triggers. To illustrate, the study by Pew Research Center claims that Obama’s social media profiles had 4 times more posts than it had Romney’s profiles. For today, social media market acquired more tools for posting and spreading information. Snapchat, Instagram and other photo and video based applications make the society be more dependent on social media, and therefore, create a new way for politicians to reach more and more people.  
The current events that are connected to the US presidential elections prove that social media matters in the modern world. One of the most popular candidates on social media websites gains more and more votes during this poll race. Donald Trump, the billionaire, and businessman, is being criticized for his extravagant claims and attitude. However, he is leading in the states like Nevada, Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and many others (Smith, 2016).  The simple comparison of the social media frequency usage and votes leads to the simple conclusion that social media is a powerful outlet and denying to post and share will play a bad joke to the candidates. Moreover, the flow of the candidate's posts has to be carefully analyzed in order to be an objective voter and do not take quantity for quality.            

Works Cited
 Smith, A. (2016, February 22). Polls show Donald Trump dominating everywhere. Retrieved May 01, 2016, from

 Pew Research Center: Journalism & Media staff. (2012, August 15). How the Presidential Candidates Use the Web and Social Media. Retrieved May 01, 2016, from 

 The Great Debate: Kennedy, Nixon, and Television in the 1960 Race for the Presidency. (n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2016, from 

 Rutledge, P. (2013, January 25). How Obama Won the Social Media Battle in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Retrieved May 01, 2016, from 

For Further Research

For those, who are interested in the US 2016 Presidential elections and for those, who want to be a political expert I recommend to start off looking at following websites.

The New York Times.
The New York Times website is actively investigating in the US 2016 presidential elections research, statistics and news updating. The user of the website can find very visually pleasing and understandable  content about the candidates and
their ratings. Also, the website manages to keep the content with an element of entertainment.  "Fact Checks of the 2016 Election" and "How Trump could win" headings are intriguing for further research.

You can find everything you want to know about the elections   here:

270 to Win
Another useful source for an informed citizen of the world is 270 to Win website. The name of the websites addresses to 270 electoral votes for the candidates to win the elections. The website proposes us the US map that shows which state gives its votes for what political parties' candidates. Moreover, the 270 to Win website allows a user to read the latest news. The most incredible part of this source is the 2016 Election Countdown Clock and 270 to Win application for Ipad. It allows to create your own maps and save it.
If you are interested, you are welcome ti visit the 270 to Win website:

Real Clear Politics
"RealClearPolitics is the trusted, non-partisan, convener in a content-rich media environment; thoughtfully curating the best coverage from every angle of the day's most critical issues."- said in the description. 
This source provides high-quality analysis of 2016 elections' news flow, as well as graphical content that supports the easy usage and consuming information on this website. It has maps, videos, and the voters analysis tables.

Sunday 24 April 2016

What Experts Say 2

Another article that deserves your attention is "The 2016 Presidential Campaign – a News Event That’s Hard to Miss" by Jeffrey Gottfried and his colleagues. The article makes an analysis of what sources Americans use to get information about the 2016 presidential campaign. The analysis employs recent researches and statistics.The authors show the percentage of US adults interested in elections, which is 91%. Furthermore, they divide this 91 % intocategories, based on what type of source adults usesThe analysis goes even further, the article shows what percentage of adults use different amount of sources for getting information about US presidential elections. This article in collaboration with content analysis would be able to roughly predict the future president of the US. Moreover, it gives a deeper understanding of what type of media is the most influential for certain age groups. The results of this analysis are truly intriguing and surprising. 


What Experts Say 1

William Powers, the author of the article "Who is Influensing the Elections 2016", made a great analysis of how social media is involved in US presidential elections 2016. He constructed the article in the way that a person without political knowledge could easily become familiar with what is happening in US politics. William Powers starts with a question: "What is influence?" and shows from what sources public gets information. Moreover, he explains how the social media's involvement has changed the candidates' strategy. The most interesting part of this article is the rank of the influencial people of US presidential elections 2016. There one can find former presidents, social activists, religious figures and many other influencers. The author also describes this analysis project, which is quite interesting: "...our group has built an election analytics machine called The Electome. Funded in part by a grant from the Knight Foundation, the project aims to further public understanding of how politics and news are changing in the digital age, and to show how campaign journalism can move beyond the traditional “horse race” coverage.
Please find the link below and check this article out.

Current Event 2

Illustration by Matt Murphy of Donald Trump holding up a giant Twitter logo.Social Media acts as a free advertisement source for politicians and the president elections candidates. A tweet on Twitter, or a post on Facebook reaches millions of users. According to the "2016 Presidential Election Circus: Is Social Media the Cause?" article Donald Trump, the Republican party candidate, would have to pay $380 million, in order to reach his audience by using classical ads instead of social media tools. The huge audience that uses social media as a source of news and other information makes social media websites and applications a battle field of opinions. 
The current event that brought millions of active internet users to the social media battle field was Trump's claim about Muslim population is not going to enter US anymore. His claim brought great attention to his figure. Obviously, his statements are targeted to raise public's alertness and make his name known by everyone. Here, it comes to psychology of people's mind. Who would an American citizen vote for? For a person that brings up such an intimate and emotional question about Muslims in the country or for a less familiar candidate? Familiarity is social media's weapon and Donald Trump actively uses this weapon to make his political campaign to be heard. Moreover, opposing views on social media unite supporters and sometimes persuade the opposers are now right.
On the other hand, opposition unites as well and the battle between pro-Trumps and con-Trumps gets even worse. Great flow of criticism of Trump's claim turned Twitter and Facebook in political debate. In my opinion, it does not hurt the candidate's reputation, it just brings attention to his political career. This interest serves a purpose of making a candidate familiar to the public. The familiarity would be a turning point for those who will vote without knowledge about politics. As  history shows, the rest who have a certain political views (eg. republicans or democrats)  will vote for their party candidates.

Information link:

Saturday 23 April 2016

Current Event 1

Political Snapchatting

Ipsos Mori, the global research company published an article about UK elections and social media relations  and the author says: " in ten Britons (71%) feel that social media platforms are giving a voice to people who would not normally take part in political debate. This is particularly the case for young people (88% of 18-34s, compared with 56% of those aged 55+)." This idea is applicable for US population and its' social media users. Politics engage the young population through such social media platforms as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and others. The trend of transferring politics into social media language became even a compulsory element of election campaigns. One can easily find Donald Trump's facebook account or Hillary Clinton's Snapchat profile (@hillaryclinton). 

Snapchat is one of the new triggers of political campaigns' activities. It allows to reach a younger audience of 18-34 years old users, rather than Facebook's 18-65+ audience. Hillary's Clinton appearance on Snapchat became a sensation for potential voters. Usage of Snapchat creates a feeling that a person you see on your screen presents in your life, you know him or her and even the features of the application create an emotional addiction to the ones you follow. These features are effectively used by politicians and their PR managers. Updates of your Snapchat friends that appear often serve to create a certain trust effect and even a feeling of friendship. Here it becomes obvious that one will vote for a candidate that he or she follows and watches the candidate's videos on a daily basis. 

Virtual friendship in social media shows one side of a candidate's life. We become familiar, for instance, with some family members of Hillary Clinton, her habits and free time spending. However, we have no clue about her political activity, and young people who tend to spend more time using social media and not being informed about political claims of a candidate would base their decisions on her personality, on her relationship with her kids and etc. Therefore, I can say that usage of social media by politicians could possibly create a veil that hides main characteristics, that should be took in attention while voting. 

Information link:

Socia Media elects a president for us. Social media's influence on US Presidential elections 2016.

On November 8, 2016 United States are going to have the major event of the last 4 years. Presidential elections incorporate debates and old-fashioned posters on the streets, but they are in the process of being replaced by progressively developing social media platforms and websites. According to Statista, the statistical portal, 78% of US population have a social media profile. Therefore, the candidates by using social media websites could reach the majority of the voters.  Moreover, recent researches show that seeing posts on social media reflects on voting decisions of users. So, obviously social media influences on our thoughts and decisions we make. This statement brings up a question: "Who makes choices: social media or us?"